
Control the inline direction of text.

      unicode-bidi: bidi-override | embed | normal ;

bidi-override - The text to which this is applied will override the Unicode bidi algorithm according to the directional flow indicated by the direction property. For block-level elements, (table cells, table captions, or inline blocks), it creates an override for (some) inline-level descendants.
embed - The text to which this is applied will assume the directional flow indicated by the direction property.
normal - This value doesn’t offer an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm. For inline elements, implicit reordering works across element boundaries.

Always use dedicated bidi markup to describe your content, where markup is available. Then CSS can also be used to describe the meaning of that markup.

h1 { unicode-bidi: bidi-override; }
.emw3class { unicode-bidi: embed; }

#emw3id { unicode-bidi: lowercase; }

Try it:

Roman text is normally displayed in a left to right direction. وصغار موسكو المتّبعة لمّ ثم, وأزيز لإعلان دحر عل. به، وإيطالي التقليدية هو, مع جُل وبداية بالجانب. ان الدّفاع المتاخمة كان. عل بقصف بالحرب وهولندا، يتم. This is not always the case for foreign languages.

(CSS 2) Browser Support: All major browsers. IE 8+

“Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out” ~ Vaclav Havel


<dir> Markup for directionality rtl or ltr.
<bdo> Markup to override the directionality of text as defined by the Unicode bidi algorithm.
direction:ltr - Set a base direction of LTR for the text to which the unicode-bidi property is applied.
direction:rtl - Set a base direction of RTL for the text to which the unicode-bidi property is applied.

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