CSS Reference - Cascading Style Sheets - A-Z

  :Active      Anchor/Link On-Click Pseudo-Class.
  animation    -name, -duration, -timing-function -delay -iteration-count -direction -fill-mode CSS3
  appearance   Make a form element look like a standard user interface element.
  background   -Attachment -Color -Image -Repeat -Position
  background-Clip     The painting area of the background. CSS3
  background-Origin   The positioning area of the background images. CSS3
  background-Size     Size or resize a background image. CSS3
  border         -color -style -width  Set all 4 borders.
  border-bottom  -bottom-width  -bottom-style -bottom-color
  border-left      -left-width    -left-style   -left-color
  border-right    -right-width   -right-style  -right-color
  border-top        -top-width     -top-style    -top-color
  border-collapse     Collapse table borders.
  border-spacing      Distance between the borders of adjacent cells.
  border-image        Set a border image. CSS3
  border-radius -top-left-radius -top-right-radius -bottom-left-radius -bottom-right-radius CSS3
  bottom        Bottom position of a positioned element
  box-align     Align the child elements of a box. CSS3
  box-direction The direction in which children of a box are displayed. CSS3
  box-flex      Whether the children of a box are flexible or inflexible in size. CSS3
  box-ordinal-group  Display order of the child elements of a box. CSS3
  box-orient    Position child elements horizontally or vertically. CSS3
  box-pack      Define the horizontal or vertical position or a box. CSS3
  box-shadow    Attach one or more drop-shadows to the box. CSS3
  box-sizing    The CSS box model used to calculate the height and width of elements. CSS3
  clear         Set sides of an element where other floating elements are not allowed
  clip          Clip an absolutely positioned image/element.
  color         Text color
  column-gap    Gap between the columns. CSS3
  column-rule   -rule-color -rule-style -rule-width CSS3
  column-span   How many columns an element should span across. CSS3
  columns   -width  -count CSS3
  content       Insert generated content before or after an element.
  counter-increment  Increment one or more counters. CSS3
  counter-reset Create or reset one or more counters. CSS3
  cursor        The type of cursor to be displayed.
  direction     The text reading direction, left-to-right or right-to-left.
  display       Display an HTML element as a list/table/block.
  float         Shift to the left (or right) allowing other content to flow/wrap alongside.
  font      -family -size -style(italic/normal) -variant(small-caps) -weight(Normal/bold)
  @font-face    Download and use a web font.
  font-size-adjust  Attempt to normalise the font size. CSS3
  font-smoothing   Apply anti-aliasing to fonts.
  height        Height of an element.
  max-height    Maximum height of an element.
  min-height    Minimum height of an element.
  :Hover        Anchor/Link Hover Pseudo-Class.
  hyphens       How to split words to improve the paragraph layout. CSS3
  @keyframes    Control the intermediate steps in a CSS animation
  left           Left position of a positioned element.
  Letter-Spacing Increase or decrease the space between characters.
  line-height    Line height.
  list-style -image -position -type list-item markers.
  margin     -top -right -bottom -left
  marquee        Moving content.
  max-width      Maximum width of an element.
  min-width      Minimum width of an element.
  opacity        Opacity level for an element. CSS3
  outline    -color -style -width
  outline-offset Offset an outline, and draw it beyond the border edge. CSS3
  overflow       What happens if content overflows an element's box.
  overflow-x     Whether to clip the left/right edges of overflowing content. CSS3
  overflow-y     Whether to clip the top/bottom edges of overflowing content. CSS3
  overflow-wrap  Break lines within words in order to prevent overflow. CSS3
  text-overflow  What should happen when text overflows the containing element. CSS3
  padding     -bottom -left -right -top 
  page-break-after  Adjust page breaks after the current element.
  page-break-before Adjust page breaks before the current element.
  position       Positioning method for an element. (static, relative, absolute or fixed)
  quotes         Type of quotation marks for embedded quotations.
  right          Right position of a positioned element.
  table-layout   How to layout table columns.
  top            Top position of a positioned element.
  text-align     Horizontal alignment of text.
  text-decoration Add decoration to text.
  text-decoration-thickness Set the stroke thickness of the text decoration (line-through, underline)
  text-indent    Indent the first line in a text-block.
  text-overflow  What should happen when text overflows the containing element. CSS3
  text-shadow    Add a shadow to text. CSS3
  text-transform Change the capitalization of text.
  text-align-last How to align the last line of text. CSS3
  text-rendering Choose the quality of text over speed.
  text-underline-offset Set the offset distance of an underline text decoration line.
  text-underline-position Set the offset distance of an underline text decoration line.
  transform        Apply a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. CSS3
  transform-origin Change the position of transformed elements. CSS3
  transition  -property -duration -timing-function -delay CSS transition effects. CSS3
  unicode-bidi   Control the inline direction of text.
  user-select    Control the selection of text.
  vertical-align Vertical alignment of an image/element or table cell.
  visibility     Hide or show an element.
  webkit-text-fill-color Text fill color (inside)
  webkit-text-stroke  -width -color Text Stroke
  white-space    How white-space inside an element is handled.
  word-spacing   Increase or decrease the space between words.
  word-wrap      Break lines within words in order to prevent overflow.
  width          Width of an element.
  max-width      Maximum width of an element.
  min-width      Minimum width of an element.
  z-index        Stack order of a positioned element.
/* This is a CSS comment */

Bold = Shortcut property
Grey = limited web browser support.

The page includes CSS 1, 2 and 3 and concentrates on properties that are supported by the major web browsers.
Other CSS References: MDN Web Docs

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