
The text reading direction, left-to-right or right-to-left.

      direction: ltr | rtl | inherit ;

ltr - Set a left-to-right direction.
rtl - Set a right-to-left direction.
inherit - inherit from the parent element.

On a page with mixed languages you can alternate between text directions. This can make for a disjointed reading experience as the reader not only has to be bilingual but will have to jump between blocks of text and switch reading direction.

For the direction property to affect content reordering in inline elements, the unicode-bidi property must be set to embed or override. Always use dedicated bidi markup to describe your content, where markup is available. Then CSS might also be needed to describe the meaning of that markup.

If the displayed content is copied to the clipboard, it will be copied with the systems default text direction.

h1 { direction: rtl; }
.emw3class { direction: rtl; }

#emw3id { direction: inherit; }

Try it:

Roman text is normally displayed in a left to right direction. وصغار موسكو المتّبعة لمّ ثم, وأزيز لإعلان دحر عل. به، وإيطالي التقليدية هو, مع جُل وبداية بالجانب. ان الدّفاع المتاخمة كان. عل بقصف بالحرب وهولندا، يتم. This is not always the case for foreign languages.

(CSS 2) Browser Support: All major browsers. IE 8+

“Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot; others transform a yellow spot into the sun” ~ Pablo Picasso


<dir> Markup for directionality rtl or ltr. dir="ltr"
<bdo> Markup to override the directionality of text as defined by the Unicode bidi algorithm.
unicode-bidi - Control the inline direction of text.

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