Shorthand to set font properties:
element { font: [Font-style] [Font-variant] [Font-weight] Font-size [Line-height] Font-family ;}
This shorthand is equivalent to the following:
element { font-style: normal | italic | oblique; font-variant: normal | small-caps; font-weight: normal | bold | bolder | lighter | (100-900); font-size: (number+unit) | (xx-small - xx-large); line-height: normal | (number+unit); font-family: fontname1,"font name2"; }
Alternatively you can choose to inherit from a parent element: font: inherit ;
The default font property values, any value that is not specified in the shorthand will be set to the default, even if set separately in another css rule.
font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: inherit; line-height: normal; font-family: inherit;
The font: shorthand can also be used to specify dynamic font styles in iOS and OS X.
These are shorthand for a group of style definitions:-apple-system-headline1, -apple-system-headline2, -apple-system-subheadline1, -apple-system-subheadline2, -apple-system-body, -apple-system-footnote, -apple-system-caption1, -apple-system-caption2, -apple-system-figure
Set the font of H1 to double size (200%) with the Verdana font family:
h1 {font: 200% Verdana,serif ;}
Try it:
“From all these experiences the most important thing I have learned is that legibility and beauty stand close together and that type design, in its restraint, should be only felt but not perceived by the reader.” ~ Adrian Frutiger |
(CSS 1) Browser Support: All major browsers
“The real test of friendship is: can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are utterly simple?” - Eugene Kennedy
color - Color of text.
font-family - Font family for text.
font-size - Font size of text.
font-style - Font style for text.
font-weight - Normal, bold, bolder.
@font-face Download and use a web font.