The font style.
Syntax font-style: italic | normal | oblique | inherit ;
italic - A font face created by the type designer typically with more calligraphic, slanted characters.
Normal - Standard upright text.
oblique - Slants slightly to the right like italic, but it uses the same glyphs as normal roman type, except distorted.
inherit - inherit from the parent element.
h1 { font-style: normal; }
#emw3id { font-style: italic; }
.emw3class {
font-style: oblique; }
Try it:
Italic text is used to provide extra emphasis and is often used for book and movie titles, foreign words and variable names. |
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“Beauty itself is but the sensible image of the Infinite” ~ Francis Bacon
color - Color of text.
font-family - Font family for text.
font-size - Font size of text.
font-variant - Whether or not text should be displayed in a small-caps font.
font-weight - Normal, bold, bolder.
font - Shorthand to set the font properties above in one declaration.