
Set the right edge of an element relative to its normal position (relative positioning) or relative to the right edge of its container (absolute or fixed positioning)

      right: length | percentage | auto | inherit ;

length - A positive number will move the element to the left, a negative number right.
percentage - Set the right edge as a percentage of the containing element. Negative values are allowed
auto - Let the user agent (web browser) calculate the right edge position.
inherit - inherit from the parent element.

An alternative (CSS3 only) is to use transform translate() that will "nudge" the element from it's current position which is perfect for moving an item; adding motion; rather than setting its initial position.

h1 { position: relative; right: 25px; }
.emw3class { position: absolute; right: -2em; }

#emw3id { position: relative; right: 25pt; }

Try it:

This is a sample of text with a CSS border. The border helps to display the position of the text DIV.

Browser Support: CSS 2 supported in all major browsers.

“Happiness makes up in height what it lacks in length” ~ Robert Frost


bottom - Bottom position of a positioned element.
top - Top position of a positioned element.
left - Left position of a positioned element.
transform translate(), translateX(), translateY() - Apply a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. CSS3
position - Positioning method for an element (static, relative, absolute or fixed).

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