
The marquee module has been dropped from the CSS3 specification.

You can now achieve the same effect using CSS animations, use transform: translateX() to create a marquee effect.

Shorthand to set the following marquee properties:

      element { marquee: Direction Play-count Style Speed;}

This shorthand is equivalent to the following:

element {
   marquee-direction: direction;
   marquee-play-count: iterations;
   marquee-style: style;
   marquee-speed: speed;

The default Marquee is left infinite scroll normal;

The marquee CSS properties are a replacement for the non-standard (but widely supported) HTML <marquee> tag.
The overflow-x property also has to be set before the marquee will take effect.

h1 { Marquee: forwards infinite scroll fast; }
.emw3class { Marquee: reverse infinite scroll fast; }

#emw3id { Marquee: forwards infinite scroll normal; }

Browser Support: None.

“Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew” ~ Guillaume Apollinaire


animation -name, -duration, -timing-function -delay -iteration-count -direction -fill-mode CSS3

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