
The gap between columns (in px, pt, em, etc.)

      column-gap: number | normal ;

number - The size of the gap between columns. It must not be negative, but can be equal to 0.
normal - Use the browser-defined default spacing, normally 1em.

The default value is auto.

h1 { column-gap: 30px; }
.emw3class { column-gap: 8pt; }

#emw3id { column-gap: 0; }

Try it:

When text is displayed in newspaper columns the length of each line is much shorter. This is a great aid to readability. On the internet many people will skim read large blocks of text and this can have the unfortunate effect that they miss important points buried in a long paragraph.

(CSS 3) Browser Support: IE 10, Opera. Use the equivalent -moz-column-gap for Firefox and -webkit-column-gap for Safari and Chrome.

“Mind the gap!!!” ~ Oswald Laurence


column-gap - MDN Web Docs.
column-count - Number of columns an element should be divided into.
column-span - How many columns an element should span across.
column-width - Width of the columns.

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