
Set the border collapse model to be used for a table or an inline table.

      border-collapse: collapse | separate | inherit ;

collapse - The collapsing borders model. This facilitates adding individual borders to any row(s) or cell(s) in the table. border-spacing and empty-cell properties will be ignored.

separate - The default setting with separate borders for each table cell.

inherit - Inherit the model from the parent element.

h1 { border-collapse: collapse; }
.emw3class { border-collapse: collapse; }

#emw3id { border-collapse: collapse; }

Try it:

Heading 1contentcontentcontent
Heading 2contentcontentcontent
Heading 3contentcontentcontent

Browser Support: All major browsers (CSS2+) In IE prior to 8.0 collapse will not override cellspacing and inherit is not supported.

“The Berlin Wall wasn't the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell” ~ Fareed Zakaria


Border-collapse - MDN Web Docs.
border-spacing - Set the distance between the borders of adjacent cells.
border - Shorthand to set all the border properties.
padding - Shorthand to set all the padding properties.

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